Sand Barn
Grooving recommendations:
When grooving a sand-bedded barn, we recommend 1⁄2" wide by 5⁄8" deep grooves on a diamond pattern. This provides optimal traction for livestock.
Our machines cut at 4" centres to ensure that there is enough floor surface to support the livestock hooves.
Grooving holds the sand in place in the alley and keeps it out of the pit, providing the alley with better traction. Cleaning systems will wear the floor down over time, especially with sand. Grooving is the most durable form of floor traction.
"There's two things that can stand up to sand bedding, concrete and concrete grooving"
New barn floor finish recommendations:
There is a risk of being overly aggressive with traction solutions, as any rough surface will wear down cow's hooves. The use of sand in conjunction with a textured floor is too abrasive for livestock to walk on frequently.
For this reason, we recommend a darby smooth concrete floor, as well as a harder rated concrete to withstand a sand bed.

Customers tell us that culling in grooved new barns can be reduced from an average 15% (without grooving) to less than 3% (with grooving)